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What you should hv done even though u had doubts was to compare,evry other religion out there, with what you had learnt and come to know. Further, only those who respect may use the site.
Like thousands of others, she has come to Dortmund with her family -- all of them strict believers, all of them dressed up for the special day -- for the responsible North Rhine-Westfalia convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. So he had a huge mansion built in California with the money earned by JW's. After armageddon, JW's believe they will live forever on a. jw dating site My x left the JW's before the childrne and I did, and I was a single mom for 9 jesus before I was dfed. I am sure you are very familiar with these. As you search for more Jehovah's Witnesses sites, be sure you read the fine print.
Read all the on this website. In order to enter the site, you must answer a question that is Jehovah's Witness specific. He left the church after a lifetime of belonging because he could no longer abide by this strict code of relationship conduct.
Jehovah's Witnesses from Canada - Therefore, some Jehovah Witnesses don't support its use.
He is still somewhat sad about that. The JW mindset does affect his relationships in that if one does not agree with the JW interpretations, he will be offended. These kinds of religions don't usually look kindly on different points of view; so I imagine all ex-JWs would need to examine that about themselves and see that it is okay to have a personal interpretation and relationship with God. They decided to start requiring that people not question any of their teachings, and not to even research other beliefs and stuff because looking at materials that aren't JW published is made akin to being in league with the devil and puts your salvation in jeopardy. So it's tough speaking to a JW because they aren't allowed to consider anything you say, for fear of being booted and thinking they will lose favour with God. But, I found a loophole!!! If you ever have a JW come to your door, ask that they read the founding fathers of the early Christian Church. Because they respect the founding fathers, and quote them on various occasions, but never cite WHERE they got the quotes from. For example, they quote many of the founding fathers to prove that the Trinity cannot be true, however, those exact same writings they quoted from, specifically point out there being three persons in one God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And you don't even need to walk them through it.. If I was ever to go back now, I would be a hypocrite as I could not put faith in how things are done. The Bible I trust, but the man made organization, ANY organized religion I choose to never have a part of again. Being sexually abused by an adult JW, when I was 14, and how matters now days are handled, by silence..... And it does not help when your x father in law is a leading and upstanding man in the congregation, and I divorced his junior elder son, with scriptural grounds, and I was the one looked down upon. I was a very loyal JW, raised our 3 kids as such, have family on both sides still active, and very shallow in their thinking. My x left the JW's before the childrne and I did, and I was a single mom for 9 years before I was dfed. Now the children are no longer active either. Yes, now after being 'out' for 3 years has been very challenging, and reading the websites set up by former JW's, how things worked for them when in, you learn over time to think for yourself, and your eyes are opened to realize its not just you who were judged by men. I was dfed for being involved with a pretend JW, who was a con artist. I reported him, I was kicked out. I was told I was not repentant and 3 years of doing all the things expected, attending meetings, reading, praying, studying, witnessing to others.... Thus if Jehovah God speaks thru the elders, 3 men are on your committee to judge you, and 3 times I was told no, then I finally accepted that God did not want me. Contrary to what I felt and knew in my heart that I was forgiven. Thus the emotional toil would be way to much to try to return again, with no guarantee of ever being forgiven. I encourage anyone to not get involved with them. I am not angry, its just how if you mess up, its hurts you the rest of your life. No sex before marriage, strict fidelity during dating and, of course, after marriage, betrothal, and so forth; all very orthodox. He left the church after a lifetime of belonging because he could no longer abide by this strict code of relationship conduct. Still, even now, his past association with the Jehovah Witness ways inhibits a freer expression, and is a source of mental aguish, during his current dating activity he and his Jehovah Witness wife divorced about five years ago. Not an ex-Jehovah Witness myself, however I do read their literature and have many of their books reaching all the way back to the 1950's. They do a good job of research. They do put their own slant on the information and sometimes take things out of context and change mainstream Biblical interpretation to substantiate their points of view. While I would never become a Jehovah's Witness; mainly because I'm happy with the church I do belong to, and also because I do not hold with many of their beliefs and ways. However, that being said, I do have a lot of respect for them. It takes courage to go door-to-door with their religion. I know this because in my far past, while I was in college, I sold encyclopedias, cookware, and a number of other things door-to-door to pay for tuition and books. Plus later I also went door-to-door presenting my church's beliefs. I know the abuse they must certainly put up with and because of that, I feel those who do go door-to-door must have strong religious conviction. After joining, you become treated somewhat more as a number, or as a unit for reeling in more converts. The intentions of Jehovah's Witnesses on the most part are good. They all ended up there the same way anyone else did except those born into it I guess. However, the intentions of those higher in the JW ladder are probably moreso sinister. I can't say for sure, but it at least seems to be purely a money-making scheme. But he was sued upon the discovery that his wheat actually yielded less results and more slowly. Later he claimed to be one of the 7 Seraphim of the apocalypse mentioned in the book of revelation, and that Saints Paul and John from the bible were two of the other angels, another one of the angels was Martin Luther, and the other 3 are people you likely wouldn't know by name. After Russell died, Joseph Rutherford took over, and announced to everyone that Abraham, Issac and Jacob were returning to earth in 1925, and thus they'd need a place to stay. So he had a huge mansion built in California with the money earned by JW's. Lo and behold, the date passed, and the old testament patriarchs never showed up, so Rutherford had no problem moving into the new mansion. Further there were several new leaders after that point, and they made a great many predictions as to the end of the world. All the dates passed and the world is still here. There was a great decline in JW's after 1975, so Frederic Franz, the leader of the time, instituted the rule that if you so much as question or even pick up a book that is not completely in agreeance with the JW's and also produced by them then you will be kicked out of the kingdom hall, and no salvation for you. This fear, naturally kept many people from ever learning what their faith TRULY is, since doing so was like the most heinous thing in the sight of God. Now these days, a big chunk of the revenue made by JW's is from selling their Watchtower or Awake! The JW's are told that the money they donate doesn't even cover the costs of making the magazines which is why they may ask you to donate , but what they don't know is that the production costs of the magazines is SO LOW in part due to it being run entirely by volunteers that the money donated for the magazines is an enormous net gain, meaning rich rich people in the higher seats of the JW structure. So there you go..